• UP-GRADE BS-SCENE: Up-grade Black Sea Scientific Network, EC FP7 Research Infrastructures, 2009-2012.
  • RADPAR: Radon Prevention and Remediation, EC Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, contract nr 2008 1217, 2009-2012
  • PERGAMON: Permafrost and gas hydrate related methane release in the Arctic and impact on climate change: European cooperation for long-term monitoring, European Concerted Research Action COST Action ES0902, 2010-2014 (www.cost-pergamon.eu)

The project aims at investigating industrial dumps resulting from the use of radioactive coal and from aluminium industry for assessing methods for the efficient treatment of these wastes and the recycled material taking into account the risk for population and for environment. It considers the direct risk resulting from the wastes in their immediate neighbourhood, the risk from dispersal in the environment particularly through surface and groundwater, as well as the environmental and the health risk of industrial by-products that are based on the waste material.

The project considers several test sites located in the Western Balkan countries and compares them with sites located in the EU or outside: wastes of coal mines and coal burning power plants, as well as from aluminium industry.

Selected occurrences are investigated for:
  • assessing the presence and type of radionuclides in the primary and waste products, and their parameters
  • analysing and identifying the pathways for dispersion of radionuclides (erosion, dust re-suspension, surface water, groundwater) in the neighbourhood of the wastes, and defining the impact of the wastes on the ecosystem
  • assessing the impact on health of the population in the plants and in the vicinity of the wastes from the presence of radionuclides (gas-emission, inhalation)
  • defining the risk from the use of by-products of the wastes (building material that contains fly ash, disposal in engineered surface impoundments and landfills, industrial product based on waste material).